Blog by DFWHC’s Love details his wish for Medicaid expansion


A blog by DFW Hospital Council President/CEO Stephen Love detailing his hope for Texas Medicaid expansion dropped yesterday on the D CEO Healthcare website. “The federal government funds 90 percent of the expansion,” wrote Love. “And yet we continue to pay federal income taxes for funding Texas steadfastly refuses to accept. We are helping to fund expansion in other states … Read More

DFWHC’s Love talks healthcare costs in D Magazine


DFW Hospital Council President/CEO Stephen Love talked healthcare costs with D Magazine’s Will Maddox in an article that dropped Monday. “Employers that want to discuss healthcare costs should collaborate with providers so we can engage in an open exchange regarding transparency and what goes into products and services including the cost of care,” Love said. “This would be a very … Read More

DFWHC’s Love discusses “maternal deaths” in D CEO Healthcare post


A blog detailing “How the Texas Legislature Can Help Prevent Maternal Deaths” by DFW Hospital Council President/CEO Stephen Love was posted today by D CEO Healthcare. “The report cited racial disparities as the maternal mortality rate for Black women was three times higher than White women,” said Love in his blog. “The U.S. has the highest maternal death rate among … Read More

DFWHC’s Love discusses North Texas healthcare collaboration in D CEO story


“All the hospitals are realizing it’s not about competition. It’s about trying to improve the health of the community,” said Stephen Love, president/CEO of the DFW Hospital Council (DFWHC) in a D CEO story that dropped this week. Titled “COVID-19 Brought Unprecedented Health System Collaboration to DFW” and penned by Will Maddox, the story detailed the unique efforts of the … Read More

DCEO Healthcare details coverage expansion following DFWHC event


Inspired by a panel discussion co-hosted by the DFW Hospital Council and Hall Render, D CEO Healthcare Editor Will Maddox posted a December 3 story detailing the difficulties of Medicaid expansion in Texas. “Texas remains one of 14 states in the country that has yet to expand Medicaid, as its Republican leadership has refused to accept more federal money for … Read More

DFWHC’s Love discusses informatics in D magazine feature


In the article “How North Texas Universities Are Improving Tech Education” posted this morning by D Magazine, DFW Hospital Council President/CEO W. Stephen Love commented on informatics programs at Texas Woman’s University. According to the story written by Jeff Bounds, “Dallas-Fort Worth is predicted to add more than 14,300 high-paying jobs across 13 information-technology categories between now and 2022.” An … Read More