Love interviewed for story detailing “Growing Little Minds”


DFW Hospital Council (DFWHC) President/CEO W. Stephen Love was interviewed by State of Reform reporter JJ Lee for a story detailing the infant brain development campaign “Growing Little Minds.” The campaign kicked off earlier this month in North Texas in an effort to educate new parents on the importance of infant brain development during the first 12 months of a … Read More

Study reveals North Texas sexual assault statistics


In the DFW Hospital Council (DFWHC) Foundation study “Disparities Associated with Sexual Assaults and Abuses Identified by Hospitals in North Texas and Dallas County in 2010-2012” released this week, North Texas statistics involving sexual assault and abuse have been revealed for one of the first times in the region. The goal of the study was to detail community trends in … Read More

Dallas County sees its first case of Zika


Dallas County has seen its first case of Zika, according to a report released today by the Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS). You can read the full story here. You can also find facts about Zika here.

Why does Texas perform so poorly in immunizations?


By W. Stephen Love, President/CEO, DFW Hospital Council The hot topic on the radio and television is Zika fever. It’s coming! Zika is here! The virus with the unique name is a mosquito-borne disease potentially causing harm to pregnant women. On Monday, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global health emergency regarding this spreading virus. Through mother-to-child transmission, there … Read More

A never ending game of “Whac-A-Smoke”


By W. Stephen Love, President/CEO, DFW Hospital Council Just when you think smoking is decreasing, another tobacco product pops up. The insistence of smoking products reminds me of a game I used to play at the State Fair. Remember “Whac-A-Mole,” where we used a plastic mallet to attempt to tag that irritating mole popping up where you least expect it? … Read More

After the rains, watch for mosquitoes


By W. Stephen Love, President/CEO, DFW Hospital Council Mark Twain once said, “Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get.” That certainly describes this stormy past month of May in Texas. We express our heartfelt sympathy to the victims and their families in the recent floods. We also know homes, property and personal items were destroyed, creating hardships … Read More

Is it close enough?


Blog by Steve Love We frequently read articles examining why the healthcare cost in some cities is higher than others. Healthcare delivery is complex no matter the locale and there are many factors. Some components are brutally simple, with one specific “public health focus” potentially saving millions of dollars in North Texas healthcare costs. Many of our cities (Irving, Richardson, … Read More

DFWHC participates in Vaccinate Texas campaign


Don’t sit on your spurs, the flu just rolled in! Working with Texas pharmacists, healthcare organizations and legislators, the DFW Hospital Council (DFWHC) is participating in the launch of a Walgreens outreach campaign to educate people on the importance of the flu vaccination. The Vaccinate Texas campaign, which runs from now until the end of the year, highlights cultural aspects … Read More

The single most preventable cause of death


I am a native Virginian and proud of my heritage. I remember as a small boy visiting the warehouses where flue-cured tobacco was auctioned to the major companies for processing into cigarettes. John Rolfe, a young man from Jamestown, was the first colonist to grow tobacco in America. He secured the initial seeds from Trinidad and in 1612 produced his … Read More