Hall Render “Hot Topic” series set to begin July 26


We can’t think of a better way to spend the hot summer months than to attend the DFW Hospital Council’s (DFWHC) first-ever “Hot Topic Healthcare Educational Series.” Simply put, four complimentary breakfast events from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. hosted in association with the national experts of DFWHC Year-Round Sponsor Hall Render. The topics were approved by DFWHC President/CEO W. … Read More

Hall Render – When and what did leaders know?


The DFW Hospital Council is posting blogs submitted by our Associate Members. The following was provided by Hall Render. For guidelines, please contact Chris Wilson at chrisw@dfwhc.org. The Fraud Section of the U.S. Department of Justice’s (“DOJ’s”) Criminal Division recently released new compliance policy guidance for use by its attorneys and investigators when “conducting an investigation of a corporate entity, … Read More

Legal Barriers to Good Care Coordination


Blog by W. Stephen Love, President/CEO DFW Hospital Council In today’s healthcare profession, we focus on population health, improved care and better value. We call this the “Triple Aim” of improving the patient experience. Hospitals and medical providers have been accused of operating within “silos,” meaning essentially people who don’t share information or cohesively work together. Today, we are attempting … Read More