Sponsorship deadline to DFWHC Awards Luncheon in one week


The deadline to purchase sponsorships to the DFW Hospital Council’s 69th Annual Awards Luncheon is just one week away. There’s no better way to get your company’s name before hospital CEOs. If you want to place a congratulatory ad in the program brochure to the recipients or simply show your support of North Texas hospitals, here’s your opportunity. Would you like your name in lights, items on the tables, premiere seating, complimentary Associate Membership for 2018? Find out more by clicking here.

Executive Sponsors to have come aboard include:

Hall Render
Agency Creative
GroupOne Background Screening
Cantey Hanger LLP
NCC Data

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to honor hospital trustees and friends of North Texas healthcare.

Executive Sponsorships can be found here.

For questions, please contact Chris Wilson at chrisw@dfwhc.org or 469-648-5007.