DFWHC Associate Member Xenex awarded for Visionary Innovation Leadership


Based on a recent analysis of healthcare room disinfection, Frost & Sullivan recognized Xenex Disinfection Services with the 2017 Global Frost & Sullivan Award for Visionary Innovation Leadership on May 24. The Xenex LightStrike™ Germ-Zapping Robot™ is a portable, no-touch device capable of helping healthcare facilities bring down infection rates by destroying the pathogens that cause them. LightStrike robots deactivate … Read More

North Texas hospital employees awarded at April 21 Luncheon


A salute to the North Texas hospital workforce, the Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council (DFWHC) Foundation’s 21st Annual Employee of the Year Luncheon was held April 21 at the Hurst Conference Center. More than 700 attendees turned out to honor 135 nominees and 15 announced winners from a pool of 57 area hospitals. “We appreciate the opportunity to honor these great … Read More

Constant State of Evolution


Blog by W. Stephen Love, President/CEO, DFW Hospital Council As we review the rapidly changing landscape of the healthcare delivery system, four major topics are emerging. First, the discussion to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This really involves a series of sprints rather than a marathon. President-Elect Donald Trump could use executive orders to stop the enforcement … Read More

DMN’s Schnurman details numbers on Texas healthcare


In a column posted this morning in The Dallas Morning News, columnist Mitchell Schnurman examines Texas’ ranking in healthcare quality. The column, titled “Texas health care lags – again,” states “Texas routinely ranks near the bottom on health care quality, and there’s hardly a shrug from the state’s ruling political class.” DFW Hospital Council President/CEO W. Stephen Love offers his … Read More