National Hospital Week


Steve Love, chief executive officer of the Dallas-Ft.Worth Hospital Council, thanks member hospitals in a video filmed at the American Hospital Association’s Annual Meeting “Champions for Care,” May 6-9 in Washington D.C. at the Hilton Hotel. The video was provided as a service to all attendees in honor of National Hospital Week.

Challenges and Solutions


Hospitals face challenges every day while ensuring patients have timely access to services. Some selected, pressing challenges are: • Continued high cost for technology, equipment and medical devices • Pharmaceutical costs and many critical drugs in short supply • Attracting and training physicians, nurses and other health care professionals • Continued growth in patients with chronic disease or multiple chronic … Read More

Area hospital employees awarded at April 19 luncheon


IRVING, TX – A salute to the North Texas hospital workforce, the Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council Foundation’s (DFWHC Foundation) Annual Employee of the Year Luncheon celebrated its 16th year April 19 with the announcement of the 2012 recipients at the Arlington Convention Center. Twelve winners were introduced from a pool of 50 area hospitals. “This event paid tribute to our … Read More

Listen to our Children


The Center for Public Policy Priorities found that 1.2 million Texas children have no private or public health insurance. The study also showed that almost 40 percent of Texas mothers received little or no prenatal care and approximately 15 percent of the babies were born prematurely.  Many of these babies will be admitted to neonatal intensive care units. Obviously, employment … Read More

Public Policy Concern –
Drug Shortages are Critical


In 2010, more than 200 drug shortages were reported by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and have continued into 2012. The shortages have occurred across drug classes including critical drugs used in surgery, anesthesia, emergency care and oncology. The current shortages throughout the industry appear to be the result of a significant expansion in the scope and volume of … Read More

Sight but no Vision


Helen Keller said, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” What an excellent description of patient responsibility in today’s sick care system that needs to migrate to a health care system. Two important factors are lifespan changes and education/prevention of chronic disease. When U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed into law the Social Security … Read More

Steve Love’s appearance noted at Denton health forum


Participating in a panel discussion at the “Healthcare 101” session Feb. 28 at the Emily Fowler Central Library in Denton, Steve Love’s comments were highlighted in an article in the Denton Record-Chronicle. Love, president and chief executive officer of the Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council, commenting on health care reform was quoted, “The hope is that as more Americans gain insurance … Read More

Steve Love interviewed by WFAA-TV


Offering his insight into a Feb. 27 report on Ch. 8, WFAA-TV, Steve Love, president and chief executive officer of the Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council, was interviewed by Janet St. James, health and medical issues reporter. Her story covered the recent decision by Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children to begin billing certain patients. Founded in 1921 by North Texas … Read More

President Obama’s FY 2013 Budget Proposal


In reviewing the proposal by President Obama, there will be $320 billion reductions in Medicare and Medicaid. Approximately $268 billion in Medicare and $52 billion in Medicaid. The proposed cuts include reducing care for the elderly indigent by lowering the bad debt payments up to 25 percent from the current level of 70 percent. Indirect medical education, rural healthcare providers … Read More

Open letter to our Congressional Leaders


We urge you NOT TO SUPPORT any additional cuts to Medicare as the February 29, 2012 deadline approaches. Although we support the elimination of the 27.4% proposed Medicare cuts to physicians, it should not be done at the expense of hospitals that provide billions of dollars in Medicare, Medicaid and charity care services to millions of Americans in need of … Read More