Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s affirmation of the Patient Safety and Affordable Care Act the morning of June 28, the Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council’s President and CEO Steve Love offered his insight for Ch. 8, WFAA-TV and Ch. 4, Fox News. Love was interviewed by Janet St. James, WFAA’s health and medical issues reporter, for her segment detailing decision ramifications and how it could cause crowding in hospital emergency rooms.
“I think many people do not have a primary care provider to utilize,” Love said. “Therefore, they are going to come to the emergency room. Many of these people may still come to the emergency room, at a more advanced stage of their illness even without the coverage.”
Love offered his opinions to anchor Clarice Tinsley during a live Fox4 interview on the high court decision.
“Insurance expansion takes place in 2014,” said Love. “In Texas this is important because 27 percent of the residents have no health insurance. In the Dallas-Fort Worth area, the number is closer to 30-plus percent. We have many working Texans with no health care insurance and this decision will allow them to have coverage.”
In a statement issued to the press June 28, Love also said, “Hopefully, the U.S. Supreme Court decision will not begin a blame game or create discussion on winners or losers. If we collaboratively reform the healthcare delivery system to provide the best, cost effective coordinated care for patients in the proper setting with quality outcomes, we are all winners.”
The WFAA interview can be seen here.
The Fox4 interview can be viewed here under the video titled “Health care law upheld.”