Hall Render to host webinar tomorrow on “340B 911”


DFW Hospital Council partner Hall Render will be hosting the webinar “340B 911: Operational Considerations and Legal Options for Addressing Challenges” tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. CDT.

In recent weeks, 340B covered entities have been faced with an unprecedented number of challenges to their program participation. These challenges include an adverse determination from the D.C. Court of Appeals regarding OPPS 340B reimbursement cuts, overbroad manufacturer data requests that call into question continued access to 340B pricing in the contract pharmacy setting and unilaterally proposed limited distribution models for 340B contract pharmacies.

In response to the number of inquiries from clients asking for advice regarding appropriate operational and legal responses, Hall Render and The Alinea Group are teaming up for this complimentary webinar to address considerations and response options related to these developments.

The panel discussion will include Todd Nova and Mike Batt of Hall Render and Shrujal Patel of The Alinea Group.

You can register here.