Final Webinar scheduled for Monday, Nov. 11


Working with InsMed Insurance Agency, Inc., the Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council (DFWHC) will be hosting the final free webinar “Financial Planning 101” on Monday, Nov. 11 at 4 p.m. The webinar is intended for residents and fellows.


Once your training ends and you begin your career as full-time practicing physician, your income is likely to rise substantially. When those larger paychecks start to arrive, you’ll have some important decisions to make. Should you pay down your debt aggressively? What types of insurance will you need? When and how should you begin to save for retirement? What are the most tax-efficient ways to grow your net worth while minimizing exposure to litigation? Financial professional Seth Ingersoll specializes in advising physicians on financial planning matters, and will answer these questions and more on the Nov. 11 webinar.

You can register by clicking on this link:

InsMed Insurance Agency, Inc. is an associate member of DFWHC and an endorsed vendor of the Texas Hospital Association.

This will be the third in a series of webinars. The first two were held earlier in the fall and we encourage you to watch the replays by clicking on the links below:

The Importance of Disability Insurance in the Career of a Physician

What to Look for in an Employment Contract

These webinars are intended to help you successfully navigate your transition into the workforce. We think you’ll find them to be very informative, and hope that you’ll take a few minutes to watch.