ACHE of North Texas will host the networking event “Better Together,” a diversity, equity and inclusion mixer on Thursday, July 20 from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the CHRISTUS Health headquarters in Irving.
The Keynote Presenter will be Richard G. Greenhill, DHA, CPHQ, HACP-CMS, PMP, FACHE, Director of the Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Management Program, School of Health Professions at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center.
ACHE of North Texas’ Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee has coordinated this event with local chapters of The National Association for Latino Healthcare Executives (NALHE), the National Association of Health Services Executives (NAHSE), Healthcare Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS), North Texas Association for Healthcare Quality (NTAHQ), the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA), the Asian Healthcare Leaders Community of North Texas (AHLC) and Women’s Healthcare Executives’ Network (WHEN). A reception for members of these organizations and others who are interested in learning more about these groups will open the event.
You can register here.
For information, please contact John Whittemore at