DFWHC and PYA webinar “Transparency Requirements” has been posted online


The DFW Hospital Council (DFWHC) and PYA, P.C. webinar “Are you Ready? Compliance with new Price Transparency Requirements for Hospitals” originally broadcast on June 6 has been posted online.

Speakers included Kathy Reep, Consulting and Business Development at PYA, P.C.; and Chris Wilson, Communications Director at DFWHC.

As detailed in the 2024 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System final rule, hospitals (including critical access hospitals) are required to make significant changes to the posting of their machine-readable price transparency file. While some of these requirements were effective in January, most of the substantive changes are required as of July 1, 2024. This session addressed the requirements, as well as numerous insights from questions posed to CMS regarding the complexity of compliance with the requirements.

You can view the webinar here.

For information, please contact Chris Wilson at chrisw@dfwhc.org.