DFWHC and FORVIS webinar “Cost Reduction Strategies Post-Pandemic” has been posted online


The DFW Hospital Council (DFWHC) and FORVIS live webinar “REBUILDING STRONGER: Cost Reduction Strategies Post-Pandemic originally broadcast on August 17 has been posted online.

Speakers included Peter Stille, Managing Director, Health Care Performance Improvement at FORVIS; Kevin Rash, Managing Director, Health Care Performance Improvement at FORVIS; and Stephen Love, President/CEO, DFW Hospital Council.

During the post-pandemic era, healthcare leaders are searching for financial stability in an industry that is anything but predictable. Cost reduction strategies should prioritize the health of patients while discovering opportunities to cut costs. This panel discussion detailed ways to control operating expenses and identify strategies involving staff, equipment and supplies.

You can view the webinar here.

For information, please contact Chris Wilson at chrisw@dfwhc.org.