DFWHC plans “Open House” for July 21


“Mi casa su casa” we like to say at the DFW Hospital Council (DFWHC). And for our 90 hospital members and 50-plus associate members, that is certainly the case. Following DFWHC’s corporate move on April 15 to its new home at 300 Decker Drive, Suite 300 in Irving, the bags have been unpacked, the pictures hung and the carpets laid. It’s now time for an “Open House.”

DFWHC will host its official open house on July 21 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. W. Stephen Love, president/CEO of DFWHC, will serve as host, answer questions and discuss the future plans of the company. So drop by for some punch, snacks and a grand tour of the new digs.

Everyone is welcome to our new “casa,” but please RSVP to Wanda Diaz at wdiaz@dfwhc.org. We would hate to run out of pretzels.
